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Zimbabwe Tests Digital Currency Backed by Gold

In an audacious move to stabilize its faltering economy, Zimbabwe has commenced trials for a gold-backed digital currency.

This bold step comes as the African nation continues to grapple with staggering inflation rates, forcing its citizenry into an awkward dance with the devaluating local currency.

A digital lifeline amid economic turbulence

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has risen to the challenge, seeking to introduce a solution that stands to revolutionize Zimbabwe’s struggling financial ecosystem. This takes the form of a digital dollar, backed by one of the world’s most revered commodities—gold.

This digital currency, as explained by Nebson Mupunga, director of economic research and policy implementation for the RBZ, aims to serve as legal tender for both peer-to-peer and business transactions.

The primary motivation behind this initiative is preserving value, an effort to curb the rapid fall of the exchange rate.

If successful, Zimbabweans will soon be conducting transactions with a digital token, the stability of which will be hinged on the universally recognized value of gold.

The digital token’s arrival could be the silver bullet needed to steady the exchange rate volatility, which has significantly contributed to Zimbabwe’s skyrocketing annual inflation rate.

The year 2023 saw inflation rocketing to 175.8% in June from a lower 86.5% in May, as prices continued to surge, reducing the value of money and, consequently, its purchasing power.

A golden solution or fool’s gold?

Despite the hopeful optimism surrounding this digital innovation, not everyone is sold on its potential. The International Monetary Fund, for instance, has raised eyebrows concerning the potential depletion of Zimbabwe’s gold reserves.

Additionally, concerns remain about the adverse effects of surging inflation rates. In a bid to keep pace, companies often pass on these costs to consumers, inevitably impacting aggregate demand as many Zimbabweans grapple with the escalating prices of goods and services.

The Zimbabwean dollar has weathered a torrid time, losing over half of its value against the United States dollar within the year. A significant portion of domestic transactions is now conducted in foreign currencies, underscoring the public’s clamor for stability over the local currency’s unpredictability.

With the advent of the gold digital token, Zimbabwe hopes to offer an alternative to citizens seeking a more secure store of value. As Mupunga stated, the token’s purpose is twofold: to serve as a stable store of value and to facilitate transaction purposes.

In addition to the gold-backed digital currency, Zimbabwe has explored other measures to stabilize its economy, including the scrapping of import licenses, allowing goods to flow into the country sans import duties or taxes. The RBZ has also taken the step of increasing interest rates to 150% from 140%.

In the grand scheme, the gold digital token could potentially revolutionize Zimbabwe’s economic landscape. However, it remains to be seen whether this novel attempt at financial stabilization will prove to be a golden solution to Zimbabwe’s economic woes or simply fool’s gold.

The world watches with bated breath as the “dry run” for this groundbreaking initiative continues.

Source: Cryptopolitan
