In a fertile stretch of fields and farms dubbed New Harare, Zimbabwe is building a high-tech “cybercity” a world away from the traffic-clogged streets and overcrowded slums of the country’s nearby...
Harare — In New Ashdon Park, a medium-density area in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, at new homes that have replaced a once thriving forest, makeshift...
Hundreds of Premier Service Medical Investments (PSMI) workers resolved to camp at Parkview Hospital in Harare to force their bosses to pay their salaries...
Given the logistical challenges people face when registering to vote, Edwin Mushoriwa, a Dzivaresekwa MP, has proposed that some of the powers delegated to the...
Jiti musician Baba Harare has paid tribute to the late sungura music legend System Tazvida in a new song. Recorded as part of Clive “Mono”...