Home » Concerns Surround Zimbabwe’s Third Cholera Outbreak in 15 Years
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Concerns Surround Zimbabwe’s Third Cholera Outbreak in 15 Years

Zimbabwe is currently facing its third cholera outbreak in 15 years. The disease is typically transmitted through water or sometimes food containing cholera bacterium. So far, over 3,000 cases have been reported and 71 deaths suspected or confirmed.

Greg Yoder with Christian World Outreach (CWO) says it’s concerning, “especially for the children we work with, when they gather together at school and [are] passing that along between each other.”

Christian World Outreach supports kids in Zimbabwe by meeting tangible needs and showing God’s love.

“We work with 200 vulnerable children in the schools. We have volunteers that work in the schools that watch over our kids. We help supply food for them and try to get them into a home, especially those who are orphans or double orphans.”

Yoder says, “We just built a kitchen. We’re finishing that up and then we’re going to build some cabins so that we can host the leadership conferences right there on our property, as well as the camps for our kids program.

Schoolchildren in Zimbabwe. (Photo courtesy of Christian World Outreach)

“We’re just praying for financial means to be able to do that. God has been faithful to get as much done as we have so far.”

Source: The Zimbabwean
