Home » PSL Denounces Military Raid on Sudanese Communist Party in Blue Nile Region
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PSL Denounces Military Raid on Sudanese Communist Party in Blue Nile Region

The Party for Socialism and Liberation condemns the latest raid by military and police forces on the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP). 

On Aug. 19, a military intelligence force under the command of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) raided the office of the SCP in the Blue Nile region where a cultural and political gathering was taking place. Twenty-three attendees were arrested and detained for hours. 

The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), two rival military factions that worked together to repress Sudan’s people’s movement for social and political rights, have been at war with each other since April over control of the country and its resources. Thousands of civilians have died and millions more have been displaced.

In the Blue Nile region, and around the country the SCP has been actively engaged in organizing against the war. Forces such as the SCP that call for peace and an end to military rule are systematically targeted by both the SAF and RSF. In May, SCP offices in Khartoum were raided by the RSF. The May before that, two leading members of the SCP were arrested. Immediately following the arrests, the party spokesperson was also arrested. 

The PSL stands with the SCP and the people of Sudan as they continue to organize against the counterrevolutionary armed conflict, overcome repression and advance the struggle.

Source: Liberation News
